Breast Reduction Surgery with Dr. Yates

What is a breast reduction? 

A breast reduction is a procedure performed to make the breasts smaller and more elevated on the chest wall. Patients report improvement in neck pain, back pain, and posture. Following a breast reduction, patients’ silhouettes look slimmer overall. Dermatological issues at the level of the inframammary fold can also be sorted as well as the irritation and pain caused by the bra straps digging in the shoulders. 

What are other names for breast reduction?

  • Reduction mammoplasty

What are the benefits of breast reduction?

  • Reduces breast size
  • Lifts breast
  • Reduces the nipple-areolar complex size
  • Repositions nipple and areola

Am I a good candidate for a breast reduction?

What makes you a good candidate for the procedure:

  • You have overly large breasts
  • Breasts are sagging low on the chest wall
  • Your breasts can sometimes be painful
  • The bra straps dig deep in your shoulders
  • You are confronted with neck, back, and shoulders pain on a regular basis
  • You have difficulties finding clothes that fit well on the upper side of the body
  • You have or tend to develop an abnormal posture of the body (shoulders brought forward, back arched).

How is the breast reduction surgery performed?

What should I do to prepare for my breast reduction?

  • · Optimize your nutrition
  • · Stabilize your weight
  • · Get a mammogram
  • · Stop breastfeeding at least six months in advance
  • · Stop anti-inflammatory medication at least two weeks in advance
  • · Stop taking birth control medication the month before the procedure

How much does a breast reduction cost?

What is the recovery process for a breast reduction?

When is a good time to get a breast reduction?

Liposuction on the breasts or breast reduction?

What other procedures can be combined with a breast reduction?

Breast Reduction FAQs

Breast Reduction
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