Breast Reduction Surgery with Dr. Yates
What is a breast reduction?
A breast reduction is a procedure performed to make the breasts smaller and more elevated on the chest wall. Patients report improvement in neck pain, back pain, and posture. Following a breast reduction, patients’ silhouettes look slimmer overall. Dermatological issues at the level of the inframammary fold can also be sorted as well as the irritation and pain caused by the bra straps digging in the shoulders.
What are other names for breast reduction?
- Reduction mammoplasty
What are the benefits of breast reduction?
Breast reduction surgery is performed both for aesthetic but also medical purposes. Overly large breasts can cause back, neck, and shoulders pain, as well as an abnormal posture of the body. Here are some benefits of breast reduction surgery:
- Reduces breast size
- Lifts breast
- Reduces the nipple-areolar complex size
- Repositions nipple and areola
Most patients notice an overall improvement in the quality of life after undergoing the reduction mammoplasty. Patients getting breast reduction can engage more easily in physical activities and sports, and, as a result, even weight loss can occur.
Am I a good candidate for a breast reduction?
Do you have issues doing certain physical activities such as running, climbing stairs, playing with your children as you need to stop and catch your breath after just a minute or two? Are your breasts so large that you are always confronted with irritation, rashes, and eczema in the fold under the breasts? Is it almost impossible to find clothing that fits well both the upper and lower side of the body? Well, all these and more others are very common issues for women with overly large breasts.
An excessive volume of the breasts is far from a blessing; it can actually be a cause of physical and emotional pain and discomfort. And considering the fact that large breasts can occur quite early in a girl’s life, they could also be a cause of bullying or over-sexualization for girls still in school. This is the reason why the procedure is suitable to be performed much sooner in life compared to other plastic surgery interventions.
What makes you a good candidate for the procedure:
- You have overly large breasts
- Breasts are sagging low on the chest wall
- Your breasts can sometimes be painful
- The bra straps dig deep in your shoulders
- You are confronted with neck, back, and shoulders pain on a regular basis
- You have difficulties finding clothes that fit well on the upper side of the body
- You have or tend to develop an abnormal posture of the body (shoulders brought forward, back arched).
How is the breast reduction surgery performed?
During the initial consultation with Dr. Yates, you will find out all the details about the surgical plan. Dr. Yates will perform measurements and suggest a more appropriate volume for the breasts. Generally speaking, a full C cup is what most patients aim to achieve with breast reduction surgery, but the aesthetic goals can be different from one patient to the other.
The breast reduction intervention is performed with the patient under general anesthesia. Dr. Yates will then make the incisions at the level of the breasts. To reduce the volume of the breasts, Dr. Yates will excise a part of the mammary gland tissue to achieve harmonious body features. After this step of the procedure is completed, the glandular tissue is concentrated on a higher level on the chest wall to get perky breasts. The skin is then redraped on the breasts, and the excess skin is eliminated. Incisions are sutured, and the patient can be moved to the recovery room.
What should I do to prepare for my breast reduction?
You should know that the excessive volume of the breasts might be associated with the excessive weight of the body. This means that losing weight might also mean a reduction of the breast size. Breast reduction surgery is recommended for patients who have a normal weight and want to harmonize the features of the body. In other words, there is a considerable difference between the volume of the breasts and the body. To prepare for the intervention, you should:
- · Optimize your nutrition
- · Stabilize your weight
- · Get a mammogram
- · Stop breastfeeding at least six months in advance
- · Stop anti-inflammatory medication at least two weeks in advance
- · Stop taking birth control medication the month before the procedure
How much does a breast reduction cost?
On average, $5,000 plus anesthesia and facility costs (approximately $2,500), however, each patient is different, and costs may vary based on complexity.
What is the recovery process for a breast reduction?
The recovery period after a breast reduction doesn’t usually take longer than a week or two. The patient needs to wear a special post-op bra for about six weeks. There are no drains to worry about after getting a breast reduction surgery with Dr. Yates. The stitches are absorbable. Most patients can resume their daily activities within the first few days after the surgery and six weeks after they can even get back to the gym.
It’s normal for the patient to experience a certain level of pain and discomfort for the first 24 to 48 hours after the breast reduction surgery. However, the pain easily subsides with analgesic medication. To avoid the rupture of the stitches, avoid stretching the arms too much or sleeping on the tummy for at least a few weeks after the reduction mammoplasty.
Most patients find the breast reduction surgery recovery relatively smooth and uneventful. However, to avoid unnecessary complications during the recovery period is essential to follow the indications of the plastic surgeon.
It’s important to allow your body to heal and restore before resuming your daily activities. Even if you seem more than able to do chores around the house, take it easy for the first-week post-op. One of the things we are trying to avoid at this time is the opening of the incisions. And this could be triggered by lifting heavy objects or other strenuous activities.
Smoking should also be avoided for a minimum of two to three weeks post-op or at least until the incisions are fully healed. Keep in mind that smoking can have a negative impact both on your healing process and the results achieved with the procedure. For minimal scarring, the recommendation is to avoid smoking.
When is a good time to get a breast reduction?
Unlike other plastic surgery procedures performed at the level of the breasts, breast reduction surgery can be scheduled even for very young patients. Because the procedure is often performed to help the patient get relief from physical and emotional pain, even young girls can benefit from the intervention.
It is preferable for breast reduction surgery to be scheduled after the patient is fully developed and the breasts have stopped growing. If the procedure is performed on breasts that have not fully developed, the patient might notice a slight increase in the volume of the breasts post-op too.
If you deal with considerable weight fluctuations, the recommendation is to wait at least six to eight months for the weight to be stable before undergoing breast reduction surgery. This intervention is very popular for patients who lost weight and are not happy with the aspect of the breasts. Keep in mind that the breast reduction surgery’s results can be impacted if you gain weight or get pregnant after the intervention is performed. Ulterior weight gain can make the breasts look bigger again, not because the glandular tissue regrows, but because there is more fat tissue.
If you are interested in undergoing the procedure, having a stable, normal weight before the intervention and sustaining it for the years to come is crucial for the success of the procedure.
Liposuction on the breasts or breast reduction?
Some patients wonder whether they can get smaller breasts with breast liposuction. Liposuction is performed on different areas of the body to eliminate excess fat tissue. However, in a vast majority of cases, overly large breasts have an excess of glandular tissue. And the glandular tissue can only be excised during breast reduction surgery.
Male breast liposuction is a popular treatment for men suffering from a condition called pseudo-gynecomastia – the enlarged size of the breasts caused by an excess of fat tissue. The best procedure that can help you reach your aesthetic goals will be recommended by Dr. Yates during the initial consultation.
What other procedures can be combined with a breast reduction?
Breast reduction surgery can be performed as part of the Mommy Makeover for patients who want to redefine their bodies after pregnancy and childbirth. The intervention can also be associated with body lifting intervention and liposuction for patients who are getting plastic surgery after considerable weight loss.
- Liposuction at the level of the axilla to eliminate fat rolls
- Abdominal liposuction
- Tummy Tuck
Breast Reduction FAQs
What to Wear After Breast Reduction Surgery?
The recommendation is to wear a surgical bra after the breast reduction surgery. This bra should be worn day and night for the first two weeks and after this only during the day for a couple more weeks. Your plastic surgeon will advise on the best bras after breast surgery. Aside from the compressive bra, it is recommended to get loose clothes with buttons or a zipper in the front. You won't be allowed to lift your arms below the shoulders' level until the incisions heal, so pulling a t-shirt over your head might be quite a challenge with real risks to the results of the surgery. Choose blouses and shirts made from breathable materials and loose-fitting for more comfort.
Are Post-Op Bras Necessary?
After breast surgery, your breasts are swollen and bruised, and their size is different too. Adequate support is essential for a fast recovery after breast surgery, and this is something only a surgical bra can give you. If you are used to wearing an underwire bra, you should know that this is not a good option after surgery. You risk injuring your new breasts and altering the results of the procedure. You need a certain level of compression, and a regular bra can't give you this. Not even your favorite sports bra can do this, so better stick to a good post-op bra, as per your surgeon's recommendations.
How To Find the Best Bra After Breast Reduction?
If you want to find the best bra after breast reduction surgery, the first stop should be your plastic surgeon. The surgeon can often recommend certain brands and can also advise in terms of fitting. After surgery, the best bra should give your breasts the support they need and reduce swelling. The right amount of compression is essential, but you should also consider the fabric of the bra. Always choose materials that allow your skin to breathe, as you'll be wearing the bra non-stop for a while, and you don't want to get skin rashes due to perspiration.
Do I Need to Wear a Bra After Breast Surgery?
Yes, wearing a post-op bra is one of the indications after getting breast surgery. This surgical bra is recommended for patients getting breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction, and its goal is to support the breasts during the early recovery stages. The post-op bra can also help reduce swelling and bruising that naturally occur after breast surgery. According to your surgeon's recommendations, make sure to wear it for as long as necessary.
What Are Good Reasons to Get Surgery for Breast Reduction?
Each woman has her own reasons for resorting to breast reduction surgery. It could be the need to get rid of the constant back, neck, and shoulders pain or other physical discomforts for some. Other women resort to breast reduction to pursue a career in sports or even in other professional fields. Others just want to have breasts that are more in line with the rest of the body features. These are all good reasons to undergo a breast reduction surgery, as long as they are your reasons and they make sense to you.
What Is Breast Reduction Surgery Like?
Breast reduction surgery starts with general anesthesia. Once the patient is under the effects of the anesthesia, the plastic surgeon will start making the incisions at the level of the breasts. The next step is to eliminate the glandular tissue that is in excess from both breasts until the breasts are symmetrical. The excess skin is also removed, and the nipple and areola complex is repositioned to a correct anatomical position on the breasts. Then the plastic surgeon will reposition the remaining glandular tissue to create a nice shape for the breasts. The incisions are sutured, and dressings are applied. The patient is now ready to be moved to the recovery room. Most patients are discharged from the medical facility where the surgery was performed less than 12 to 24 hours after the procedure.
Is Breast Reduction Surgery Risky? Is It Painful?
Breast reduction surgery is safe and effective when performed by an experienced, talented, board-certified plastic surgeon. The procedure entails certain risks and potential complications, but most of them can be avoided by simply choosing the right plastic surgeon and following the recommendations for post-operative care. The procedure in itself is not painful as the patient is under general anesthesia, so completely asleep. During the first few days post-op, patients can experience a certain level of discomfort and mild pain. This is natural, and the pain can be easily alleviated with over-the-counter medication.
Are Guys Okay with Breast Reduction Scars?
Getting a breast reduction can translate into a better quality of life as the procedure can improve not only the aspect of the body but also functionality – running with overly large breasts can be a real challenge, for example. Breast reduction scars are well hidden in the natural folds of the body. Usually, the only scar that can't be hidden is a fine vertical line going from the areola to the fold under the breasts. The only person that should be okay with how the scars look is the patient. This is why it is important to consider all the pros and cons and discuss your concerns with the plastic surgeon before getting the procedure.
Are Breast Reduction Scars Bad?
The scars left behind after a breast reduction surgery are dependent on the amount of tissue to be removed. Generally speaking, the patient will have a scar going from the lower edge of the nipple towards the inframammary fold and another scar hidden in the inframammary fold. The visibility of the incisions is different from one patient to the other. Post-operative care and individual predispositions can impact the size and visibility of the scars. Avoid lifting heavy objects and don't put any pressure on the incisions during the beginning of the recovery period to avoid unsightly scarring.
What Is the Purpose of Breast Reduction Surgery?
Breast reduction surgery is performed to reduce the volume of overly large breasts in patients confronted with pain and discomfort caused by the size of the breasts. After the procedure is performed, the breasts are smaller –most patients choose a full C or D cup – and the body looks more harmonious. More than this, the pain and discomfort associated with having large breasts disappear.
Have You Ever Had a Bad Experience with a Breast Reduction?
Like is the case with other surgical procedures, unsatisfactory results can be achieved after getting a breast reduction. To reduce the risks of having a bad experience with surgery, you should always choose an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who performs this procedure routinely. More than this, make sure to be open and honest with the plastic surgeon about your goals and expectations of the procedure. Discuss how you see your breasts after the intervention – how big or small, where the incisions are located, and other important details. Follow the plastic surgeon's recommendations to the letter to avoid complications that could lead to bad experiences and complications post-op.
Should I Consider a Breast Reduction if I Have Large Breasts?
Overly large breasts can cause physical and emotional discomfort and pain. Breasts that are too big for your body frame can trigger back, neck, and shoulder pain and, in time, could lead to an abnormal body posture. More than this, if the breasts develop from a young age, this could lead to over-sexualization - young girls with overly large breasts can be the target of sexual jokes. Breast reduction surgery can help you get rid of the issues associated with having breasts that are too big and not in harmony with the rest of your body.
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Breast Reduction
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