How long results last after a breast reduction

One of the most performed plastic surgery procedures in the world nowadays is breast augmentation with implants. Women resort to plastic surgery to enhance the aspect of their breasts and overcome emotional discomforts caused by small breasts. At the same time, some women choose to undergo plastic surgery to get the opposite effect – reduce the size of the breasts.

Breast reduction surgery is another commonly performed procedure that aims to minimize the volume of the breasts to improve the patient’s quality of life. Overly large breasts can be a real problem in some cases. They can trigger physical discomfort and pain, aside from the emotional one. Women with breasts too big compared to the rest of their anatomy can experience problems when performing even simple tasks and activities such as running, for example. The only efficient solution to getting rid of overly large breasts is the breast reduction procedure. But how long results last after a breast reduction? Let’s find out what results are to be expected after this type of intervention and if the results are permanent.

What happens during a breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is usually performed with the patient under a general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon starts by making incisions at the level of the breasts, and then the skin tissue is detached from the glandular tissue. A certain amount of glandular tissue is excised from both breasts. In some cases, the plastic surgeon needs to eliminate different amounts of tissue from the breasts to ensure harmonious results. This is the case when the breasts have different volumes – one is bigger than the other.

Breast reduction surgery

After the surplus of glandular tissue is eliminated, the breasts are elevated on the chest wall, the nipple and areola complex is repositioned, and the excess skin is also removed. Good results after the breast reduction surgery are harmoniously looking breasts, proportionate with the rest of the body and with the right position on the chest wall.

What results can be achieved with breast reduction?

What patients should know is that it doesn’t matter what their initial bra size is; after the surgery, they can get a full C cup. The C cup is the most popular goal for patients undergoing breast reduction surgery; however, you can go up or down, depending on your personal preferences and the recommendations of your plastic surgeon.

The breast reduction surgery results are visible immediately after the surgery. However, the breasts might still look a little bigger at first due to the occurrence of natural side effects. The swelling and bruising that occur after a surgical intervention can make the breasts look slightly bigger than what the patient expects. Once the side effects subside, the breasts will show their final shape and size.

With the breast reduction surgery, we can also correct other imperfections of the breasts, such as enlarged areolas or the nipple and areola complex facing downward.

Are the results permanent after a breast reduction?

Many patients interested in undergoing breast reduction surgery want to know whether the results achieved with the procedure are permanent. They worry that they undergo the procedure now, and after a while, the breasts can get bigger again – which is almost never the case. Understanding how the procedure works can help you make an informed decision.

As we’ve mentioned before, when the breast reduction surgery is performed, the plastic surgeon removes the excess glandular tissue. The breasts are covered with skin tissue, and inside we have fat and glandular tissue. In the case of overly large breasts (or breasts hypertrophy as it is known in medical terms), we are talking about the excessive growth of the glandular tissue. Once this tissue is surgically removed, it will not grow back.

However, there are some cases when the breasts can get bigger, even after the breast reduction surgery is performed.

Breasts getting bigger after breast reduction surgery

An eligibility factor for the breast reduction surgery is having fully developed breasts. In other words, the procedure is to be performed only if the breasts have completed their development. However, there are special conditions when the procedure needs to be performed before the complete development of the breasts. In this case, the breasts can continue to grow after the procedure is performed. But even in this case, they won’t grow to be as large as they were before the surgery was performed.

The breasts can get bigger after the breast reduction surgery if the patient gains weight or gets pregnant again. Weight gain means a fat accumulation that can occur at the level of all areas and organs of the body, including the breasts. As a result, the breasts can become larger. This can happen during pregnancy due to the hormonal and functional changes at the level of the breasts.

While the results of the breast reduction surgery are permanent, it is important for the patient to follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon and avoid an ulterior pregnancy or weight gain to sustain the beautiful aspect of the breasts for longer.

Final words

The breast reduction surgery is a safe solution to reduce the size of the breasts. The results of the procedure are visible immediately after the intervention as the plastic surgeon eliminates the excess of glandular tissue when the procedure is performed. It takes a few weeks for the side effects of the surgery to subside (swelling and bruising).

The results achieved with the breast reduction surgery are permanent. However, this doesn’t mean that the breasts will look the same for the rest of the patient’s life. After the surgery, the breasts are perkier, and the firmness can be affected by the natural aging process. So, in time, the breasts can develop a certain level of breast ptosis. Also, if the patient gains weight or after an ulterior pregnancy, the breasts can change their aspect again. Sustaining a normal weight after the breast reduction surgery is important to enjoy perkier, firmer, youthful-looking breasts for longer. 


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