Neck Lift & Lipo
with Dr. Yates
What is a Neck Lift?
A neck lift is a procedure that involves the tightening of the skin, and if necessary, the muscle to smooth and tighten the neck. The neck area is one of the most visible parts of the body, and its aspect is very important for our overall look. The signs of aging are apparent very early at the level of the neck, and this is the reason why neck lift surgery is so popular nowadays. The aim of the neck lift is to reduce excess skin in the area and rejuvenate the skin aspect by stretching the wrinkles. Neck lift surgery can considerably improve the aspect of the neck.
What are the benefits of a neck lift?
With aging, skin starts losing elasticity, and the collagen production is much reduced. As a result, skin can become sagging. When talking about the delicate skin of the neck, saggy skin is even more visible than in other areas of the body. Sudden weight loss can also cause wrinkles on the neck that have a negative impact.
The neck lift surgery can help you get rid of:
- Double chin
- Excess skin in the neck area
- Undefined contour of the jaw
- Wrinkles on the neck
- Undefined contour between neck, jawline, and the chin
The overall aspect of the patient is rejuvenated, and most patients talk about feeling and looking years younger after undergoing a neck lift surgery.
Am I a good candidate for the neck lift?
If you notice saggy skin or wrinkles on the neck, the chances are that you might be a good candidate for the procedure if your health condition allows it. Keep in mind that neck lift surgery implies a set of procedures that are needed to enhance the aspect of the neck, such as:
- Eliminating excess skin
- Tightening the muscles of the neck
- Neck liposuction to eliminate neck fat
- Kybella injections
What should I do to prepare for the neck lift?
Patients need to follow the pre-operative indications to minimize the risks of the procedure and achieve the best possible results. Here are some of the things to consider in the weeks and days before your neck lift:
- Two weeks before the intervention, patients should avoid anti-inflammatory medication containing aspirin;
- Avoid prolonged sun exposure in the weeks before the surgery;
- It is preferable to schedule the intervention outside the monthly menstrual cycle;
- Avoid strict diets before the procedure as this might interfere with the healing process;
- Don’t drink or eat anything at least eight hours before the surgery.
What happens during a neck lift surgery?
There are usually two components to a neck lift: cervicoplasty, which removes excess skin, and platysmaplasty, which tightens muscles in the neck. Neck liposuction can also be a part of the intervention when the patient is confronted with unwanted neck fullness under the chin. While the neck lipo is a minimally invasive procedure leaving behind minimal scarring, in some cases, similar results can be achieved with Kybella injections. The neck lipo can be performed as a standalone intervention too. The neck lift is associated with the neck lipo only if the patient has significant skin excess.
Stages of neck lift surgery
Liposuction is the first to be performed if it was recommended by the plastic surgeon. This means that a small incision is performed under the chin. Through this incision, Dr. Yates introduces a very small cannula that can dislodge and liquefy fat that is then suctioned in a device connected to the cannula. Depending on the amount of fat to be removed, this stage of the intervention can take up to one hour.
Tightening of the neck muscles comes next. This step only deals with the condition of the muscles. A platysmaplasty can only help you get more toned neck muscles but does nothing to the excess skin.
Removing excess skin is the last stage of a complete neck lift. During this stage, the plastic surgeon eliminates the excess skin and makes sure that the skin tonus is improved and the neck looks rejuvenated.
How much does a neck lift cost?
The fees for the neck lift intervention vary depending on the surgical plan that is to be performed. You will get a cost estimate for the procedure after your initial consultation with Dr. Yates.
What is the recovery process for a neck lift?
After the neck lift surgery, the patient needs to wear a compressive bandage for about a week or more. Patients need to take a week or two off from work after undergoing a neck lift surgery. Keep in mind that resuming sports activities is possible after a minimum of six weeks after the surgery was performed.
Scarring is minimal after the neck lift surgery, and Dr. Yates is committed to delivering exquisite results for each and every patient. After the surgery, bruising and swelling can occur for up to a few weeks. Usually, there is no need for additional treatment as these natural side effects subside on their own with time. A numbing sensation can also occur at the level of the incisions, and the skin might feel tight on the neck. This is also normal, and there is nothing to worry about.
To ensure the results achieved with the neck lift are long-lasting, the patient is advised to avoid weight fluctuations for at least six weeks post-op.
When is a good time to undergo a neck lift?
If you started hiding your neck under scarfs and your wardrobe mainly consists of turtle necks, then it might be time to check out the neck lift intervention. The procedure can help you get a rejuvenated aspect of the neck by eliminating the imperfections that can occur in this area with aging.
Most people don’t know that the skin in the neck area needs just as much attention as the one around the eyes or on the face. The skin on the neck is also affected by sun exposure and other factors that cause premature aging. And this is the reason why some patients might need to undergo the neck lift procedure sooner in life than others. The neck area often comes to our attention around the age of 40 when some of us start dealing with dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles, and loss of firmness. These symptoms often get worse over 50 years old and are resistant to a good skin routine. Over the 40s, we notice that a moisturizing cream doesn’t do much anymore in terms of restoring the glow to the face and neck. And when skin laxity occurs, the only efficient solution is surgery.
A good time to undergo neck lift surgery is when you can take a couple of weeks off from work for the recovery process. Also, it is important to have a normal, stable weight before undergoing the procedure. Considerable weight fluctuations that occur after the intervention is performed can affect the results of the procedure.
How to sustain the results of a neck lift for longer?
There is no doubt about the fact that non-surgical procedures can help prevent wrinkles and skin sagginess at the level of the face and neck. However, the most efficient method to get the rejuvenated aspect we all desire is with the help of a lifting procedure. This is the reason why neck lift and facelift procedures are so sought-after nowadays.
Like it is the case with any other plastic surgery procedure, sustaining the results is dependent on the patient’s commitment to following the recommendations. It is important to mention that a neck lift won’t stop the aging process; it will just erase some years off your face and give you a youthful appearance.
To sustain the results of your neck lift surgery for longer, patients should avoid smoking. Smoking can lead to premature aging of the tissues and skin laxity as it doesn’t allow for proper oxygenation of the tissues.
Using sunscreen is also essential if you want your neck to look its best for as long as possible. Excessive, unprotected sun exposure is one of the factors responsible for premature skin aging, not to mention other skin issues.
Cosmetic treatments and injectables can help sustain that youthful aspect of the neck for longer too. At the same time, your morning and evening beauty routine can contribute too. Make sure to choose skincare products adapted to your needs and use them regularly. Cleanse and moisturize twice a day, and occasionally you can use anti-aging products designed for the neck area.
What other procedures can be combined with a neck lift?
As mentioned above, the neck lift intervention can include one or more surgical procedures that aim to enhance the aspect of the area and to rejuvenate the neck. The neck lift can be performed as a standalone procedure or together with a facelift, if necessary. Make sure to discuss all your aesthetic concerns with Dr. Yates during the initial consultation to make the most out of your surgical intervention.
Neck Lift FAQs
What can I expect after a neck lift?
Neck lift surgery can be performed with a facelift intervention or as a standalone procedure. The intervention is recommended for patients with considerable neck skin sagginess or visible neck bands creating the turkey neck effect. The intervention is quite complex and should only be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon to get the best possible results. The neck lift is performed with the patient under general anesthesia in most cases, and this means that dizziness and nausea can be experienced after you wake up from the surgery. Most patients are released from the hospital within 12 to 24 hours after the surgery. Driving is not recommended after plastic surgery, so you’ll need someone to drive you home after the procedure. The recovery period after a neck lift can last up to two weeks or more. Swelling and bruising are always present, and the patient can also experiment a tight sensation at the neck level. It can take up to a month or more for the side effects of the procedure to subside. A numbing sensation can last for two to three months; however, it is important to know that the changes in sensitivity at the neck level are just temporary. During the recovery period, it is recommended to sleep with the head in an elevated position to reduce edema. Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided for at least two to three weeks post-op to avoid unwanted complications that could delay healing.
What is the best plastic surgery for a neck and facelift?
The signs of aging often start to be visible at the level of the face and neck, and this is the reason why patients in their 40s, 50s, and 60s resort to plastic surgery to rejuvenate the aspect of the face and neck. The most popular procedures are the facelift and the neck lift. There are different types of facelifts performed on different areas of the face. Neck lift surgery can create a smoother neck by eliminating the fat deposits under the chin, the saggy skin excess, and toning the neck muscles that can cause a turkey neck. Often it is necessary to perform a neck lift together with a facelift to improve the inferior facial contour. Getting a facelift together with a neck lift can tighten the skin of the face and neck and deliver a superior result compared to getting only a neck lift or a facelift surgery.
Can tightening the skin on my neck give me a better jawline?
A smooth and well-defined mandibular line is essential for a youthful aspect of the face. But with age and due to the relaxation of the ligaments and the muscles at the level of the cheeks as well as bone changes, the face structures start their descent. This can cause skin sagginess and an undefined jawline. In other words, with aging, the smooth and firm jawline can disappear due to the excess of fat and skin tissue. The neck lift surgery can correct the skin and fat tissue excess at the level of the inferior part of the face and neck. The surgery also addresses the area between the chin and the neck. This procedure can considerably improve the aspect of your neck and also give you a better jawline. For younger patients with no skin laxity, fillers or Botox injections can help define the jawline better.
What can I do to tighten the skin on my neck?
Depending on your age and other individual characteristics, different methods are available to tighten the skin on the neck. If you are young and confronted with just minor signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, injectable procedures might be the optimal solution to get a firmer neck. Botox can be used to reduce the occurrence of wrinkles and also to make the neck bands less visible. At the same time, dermal fillers can add volume and sculpt the inferior contour of the face. Kybella injections or fat dissolving injections are also an option to help you get rid of the double chin (fat accumulated under the chin). Injectable treatments are efficient, but the results are not long-lasting. For patients with more considerable skin sagginess at the neck level or other imperfections such as turkey neck, the optimal solution might be a surgical intervention – neck lift surgery.
What is the best cream for sagging neck?
This is a popular question and for a good reason. The neck area is almost always visible, and signs of aging can occur here quite early in life. Proper hydration, moisturizing the skin, avoiding excessive sun exposure, smoking, and other damaging factors can help you have a smooth and firm neck for longer. However, if the signs of aging have already occurred at the level of the neck and you are dealing with skin sagginess, there is little a cream can do. All the best neck-firming creams contain hyaluronic acid, peptides, or retinol. Keep in mind that a cream only works at skin level and has no effect on the deeper tissues of the neck. This means that if you have excess skin, you might be better off discussing neck lift surgery with a plastic surgeon than investing in expensive neck creams.
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Neck Lift
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