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What Are the Non-Surgical Alternatives to Blepharoplasty?
If you're considering an eyelid lift, you may be wondering if there are any non-surgical alternatives to blepharoplasty that can help you achieve a more youthful, refreshed appearance.
When Should You Consider Eyelid Surgery? - Signs to Look For
What are the signs you might need eyelid surgery? Find out from Fort Lauderdale plastic surgeon Dr. Essie Yates.
Say Goodbye to Tired Eyes
One of the most noticeable signs of tired eyes is sagging or drooping upper eyelids, which can make you look older and less alert.
Blepharoplasty vs. Brow Lift
Have you ever caught yourself trying to hold your eyelids open a little wider while applying makeup or constantly raising your eyebrows to keep them from drooping? If so, you might be wondering whether blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or a brow lift could help you achieve a more refreshed and youthful appearance.
Timeline for Recovery after Blepharoplasty
Find out what you can expect in terms of timeline for recovery after blepharoplasty and how you can prepare for a successful procedure.
Causes and Solutions for Hooded Eyes
Have you ever wondered why some eyes appear more deep-set or why your eyeliner seems to disappear when your eyes are open? This could be due to hooded eyes, a common yet often misunderstood feature.
Risks associated with eyelid surgery and how to prevent them
Blepharoplasty is generally recommended at older ages, although depending on the needs of each patient, it can be done even earlier. In general, women most often request this intervention, but it is also addressed to men, being considered a procedure with a rejuvenating effect.
Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?
Drooping eyelids are a common aesthetic problem, especially in older people, but they can even affect the everyday life of younger people by blocking their visual field. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year, tens of thousands of men and women around the world choose to undergo blepharoplasty.
What to expect after eyelid surgery
Blepharoplasty is a popular plastic surgery procedure performed to help patients get a youthful-looking appearance and also to improve peripheral vision in some cases. The recovery period after this intervention can take a few days and up to two weeks.
Which is Best - Eyelid Surgery or Facelift?
The facelift procedure can be performed in association with other procedures, including eyelift surgery. However, the interventions are very different in terms of the surgical approach, the results they deliver, and the areas targeted.
5 Benefits Of Eyelid Surgery And Why You Should Do It
Eyes are the doorway to your heart. It is often believed that one can tell a lot about someone just by looking at their eyes. It is also known as the best facial feature, making a person look more appealing. However, the natural look of your eyes wears off with time. As you age, dark circles start to form underneath the eyes. These dark circles look baggy due to the extra layer of fat deposits in the lower section of the eyes.
Plastic Surgery During Covid-19
The demand for plastic surgery has been booming during the Covid-19 pandemic. Read this to learn about the best post-quarantine plastic procedures in Fort Lauderdale.