Breast lift surgery recovery

Once you have decided to change the aspect of your body with the help of plastic surgery, it’s only natural to research the topic some more. Breast lift surgery is a popular intervention nowadays. Women from all over the world seek a more youthful appearance of their breasts after weight loss/ weight gain, multiple pregnancies, or the natural aging process that affected the aesthetics of their breasts. The breast lift surgery procedure doesn’t involve the use of implants per se; however, some patients decide to get a mastopexy with implants to get the breasts of their dreams.

How is the breast lift surgery recovery? And what are the things patients should be aware of before scheduling their intervention? Let’s find out what the answers to these questions are, but first…

The ABCs of a breast lift surgery

The journey to firmer, perkier breasts starts with choosing the right plastic surgeon to do the job. The initial consultation is a good time to discuss your concerns with the plastic surgeon and see how well you communicate and whether you are on the same wavelength or not. Once you have found a plastic surgeon you trust, all you have to do is follow the indication for pre-operative preparations and post-operative care.

Breast lift surgery is addressed to women who had one or multiple pregnancies or whose breasts have been affected by weight fluctuations, hormonal fluctuations, or other causes. The procedure takes one to two hours, depending on the complexity of each case.

Before the intervention, the patient should avoid certain medication, as well as drinking and smoking. On the day of the procedure, the patient shouldn’t drink or eat anything for at least 8 hours before the intervention.

The intervention is performed with the patient under general anesthesia. This means that the patient won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the operative time but will need to stay up to 24 hours in the clinic or until the effects of the anesthesia wear off and the patient feels ready to go home.

The breast lift surgery recovery starts at home, the same day, or the next day after the intervention was performed.

Breast lift surgery recovery – day 1

You might feel a certain level of pain and discomfort in the breast area. Swelling is also a natural occurrence after surgery. In some cases, patients can leave the medical facility where the procedure was performed within hours post-op, while others might need to spend the first day in the clinic. This is dependent on the profile of the patient and the potential preexisting health conditions. To alleviate the pain and discomfort, make sure to take the analgesics prescribed by your plastic surgeon.

Breast lift surgery recovery – first week

You should know that driving the car is not recommended during the first-week post-op. Actually, any ample arms movements, anybody postures, or activities that might put pressure on the breasts should be avoided. Otherwise, the patient might have to deal with pain and discomfort again.

Don’t lift heavy objects from the floor, and steer clear from any type of intense physical effort. The gym will have to wait for a bit, but you’ll be ready to get back to your fitness routine sooner if you follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

Many patients prefer to have someone – a friend or family member – around the house during the first week after the surgery; an extra hand is always appreciated during the recovery period, and especially if you have trouble resting on the back (sleeping on the tummy is strictly prohibited after intervention at the level of the breasts).

Make sure to check for signs of infection during this first week and clean the incisions as best as you can. A first post-op consultation with the plastic surgeon might also be scheduled during this time.

Breast lift surgery recovery – first month

You should still avoid strenuous physical exercises, but you might start enjoying long walks around the neighborhood or other less intense forms of exercising. You’ll be wearing a special bra for 24 hours a day. Your breasts need support and a bit of extra care during this time.

The incisions should be closed by now, but they might still look a bit red and swollen. This is ok, and the cicatrization process can take up to ten- fourteen months.

Breast lift surgery recovery – 6 months post-op

The results of the breast lift surgery are long-lasting, and they can be evaluated after 4 to six months post-op. By this time, the risk of developing a complication after the breast lift surgery is minimal; all you have to do now is enjoy the results achieved with the procedure – perkier, youthful-looking breasts!

Factors that can influence the breast lift surgery recovery

Before undergoing plastic surgery, patients should know that no procedures are completely risk-free. The only method to minimize the risks associated with any surgery is to choose a talented and experienced plastic surgeon and follow the indications.

However, there are other factors that can influence the recovery after plastic surgery, such as preexisting health conditions. Make sure to discuss your medical history, allergies, and current medication with your plastic surgeon before your breast lift surgery.

Final words

Breast lift surgery can restore the youthful aspect of the breasts. If you have saggy, droopy, deflated-looking breasts with little or no upper pole volume and excess skin, you might be a good candidate for the breast lift procedure. It’s important to know that the recovery period after the breast lift can take up to two weeks; during this time, the patient should avoid unnecessary pressure at the level of the chest, smoking, drinking, and intense physical activities.

Get in touch today with our talented, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Essie Yates, at the Yates Institute for Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale. Schedule your breast lift surgery consultation now!


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