5 Myths about Botox
Botulinum Toxin is considered the “miracle poison” and used for cosmetic and medical purposes for over two decades now. Botox injections are not a new treatment; they are actually one of the most popular anti-aging solutions for people trying to keep a youthful appearance despite the passing of time. More than this, these facial injections are FDA approved, so safe for the patient when performed by a talented, experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.
Botox injections can help correct fine lines, wrinkles, and skin folds present at the face and neck level. The eye area, the forehead, and the sides of the mouth are the areas of the face most commonly targeted with Botox injections. While Botox injections are a cosmetic treatment performed all over the world, and for over 20 years, there are myths about them that might interfere with your decision to undergo the procedure. Let’s have a look at some of the most common myths about Botox:
1. Lips are Augmented with Botox, and this is Why They Look so Unnatural in Some Cases.
If you know how Botulinum toxin works, then you know that this statement is 100% false. The Botulinum Toxin acts as a muscle relaxant. In other words, when we inject Botox, the muscle is unable to contract anymore as a result of the neurotoxic effect. This is the reason why the skin looks smooth and wrinkle-free after Botox injections. The neurotoxin has a very different action compared to the fillers used to augment the lips.
Lips augmentation is performed with fillers such as hyaluronic acid, and their role is to add volume and plump the area targeted. Botox injections are very rarely used in the mouth area, and when they are used, it’s just in very small quantities to address the vertical lines that can occur due to muscle contractions.
2. Repeated Botox Injections Lead to an Unnatural Aspect of the Face
Like it is the case with any other cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure, there are indications and limitations to Botox injections too. Injecting a large quantity of the substance can lead to an unnatural result even from the first session of injections. At the same time, injecting the toxin in areas that are meant to be addressed with fillers or other types of treatments can also lead to unsatisfactory, unnatural results. This is why it is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to recommend the best cosmetic approach for your particular case.
When the treatment plan is followed to the letter, and the plastic surgeon performs the injections routinely, the results can be impressive and completely natural. What we aim to achieve with Botox injections is a glowing face that looks rested and natural.
Getting the best results possible with your Botox injections means trusting your surgeon to make the right decisions. For example, in patients presenting considerable aging signs, it might be better to reduce the aspect of the wrinkles and not eliminate them entirely. A frozen face looks indeed unnatural, but it only occurs when a large amount of neurotoxin is injected.
3. The Patient Can’t Feel Anything in the Area after Botox Injections
Some people tend to believe that Botox injections are a sort of an anesthetic that numbs the area, and you won’t feel anything when you touch the skin. But this is not how Botox works. As the name implies, we are talking about a toxin, not an anesthetic. So, the action of the Botox is at a neurological level. What does this mean? The neurotoxin blocks the impulse that comes from the brain to the muscle; thus, the muscle doesn’t respond. Anesthesia is a completely different thing – a lack of the perception of touch, pain, etc.
Patients interested in the procedure should know that after Botox injections, the area has a normal sensitivity to the touch as the receptors in the skin are not affected by the action of Botox.
4. With Botox Injections, We can Make Wrinkles Disappear Entirely and for Good
It definitely sounds nice to get a session of Botox injections and never worry about the signs of aging for the rest of our lives. However, this is not how things work! This myth not only defies the laws of human nature but also creates unrealistic expectations from the procedure.
The results that can be achieved with Botox injections are different from one patient to the other. In younger patients, we can completely erase the wrinkles with Botox injections, but this usually happens only when the wrinkles or fine lines are fresh, and the skin is not yet permanently affected. When it comes to deep wrinkles, just getting Botox injections won’t bring you back the complexion you had a few decades ago. Multiple sessions of injections and even associating Botox injections with fillers and other cosmetic procedures might be necessary to deliver improved results.
5. Some Creams and Serums have Just the Same Effect as Botox Injections
If this would be the case, they would probably be very expensive, don’t you think? It’s important to understand that creams only work at a superficial level of the skin. Serums are designed to penetrate the deeper layers; however, they can’t go as deep as injections do. Some creams and serums can efficiently fight the premature signs of aging, but this often means months and years of using these skincare products to get results less impressive than one session of Botox injections.
Final Words
When considering Botox injections to correct the signs of aging at the face level, it’s important to discuss all the details of the cosmetic procedure with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. You can set up an appointment with Dr. Essie Yates at Yates Institute for Plastic Surgery here in Fort Lauderdale to find out if Botox injections are an option in your case.