Brow Lift with Dr. Yates

What is a brow lift?

brow lift is a procedure performed to raise the position of the eyebrows. Good candidates are individuals who notice they have heavy, low brows which can give the appearance of being angry or tired. Dr. Yates performs brow lifts through the hairline (coronal) or upper eyelid incision (trans palpebral).

What are the benefits of a brow lift?

Repositions brows for more youthful appearance, makes you look less tired, treats heavy brows, opens eye area.

The brow lift is performed to correct the droopy position of the brows and eliminate some of the frontal horizontal lines and wrinkles. With the help of this procedure, we can reverse the effects of gravity and aging and elevate the soft tissues of the forehead for a better-defined contour of the superior eyelids and brows. Here are just some of the benefits of brow lift surgery:

• Corrects droopy brows

• Corrects the natural asymmetries of the brows

• The forehead looks more smooth and relaxed

• The eyebrows look better arched and symmetrical

• The eyes look more “open”

• Smooths forehead fine lines and wrinkles

• Eliminates the tired, sad, angry look of the face

• The face looks rejuvenated and younger-looking

Am I a good candidate for a brow lift?

Most of the time, eligible candidates for the brow lift surgery are men and women, 40 to 60+ years old. Dr. Yates evaluates your candidacy for the brow lift procedure by certain factors such as:

• Good skin elasticity

• Good health and emotional condition

• Droopy, asymmetric brows that give a sad, angry, upset look of the face

At the same time, it is important to mention that having realistic expectations from the brow lift surgery is essential for the intervention's success and an eligibility criterion. A good candidate has tired, heavy, and sagging brows.

What should I do to prepare for my brow lift?

There are no specific tasks to prepare for a brow lift.

How much does a brow lift cost?

On average, $4,500 plus anesthesia and facility costs (approximately $2,500), however each patient is different and costs may vary based on complexity.

What is the recovery process for a brow lift?

The brow lift surgery is a complex intervention involving incisions, sutures, and healing. Most patients are advised to take two weeks off from work for recovery. However, in a vast majority of cases, patients can resume normal, daily activities within a few days post-op.

After the surgery is performed, the area is covered with an elastic bandage to prevent bleeding and excessive swelling in the first two days post-op. Applying cold packs on the incision site can help reduce swelling and bruising. Just make sure not to apply the ice directly to the skin.

Swelling, bruising, numbness at the level of the incisions are normal side effects that most patients experience in the first couple of days post-op. In most cases, the swelling starts decreasing two to three days post-op and is almost completely gone by the end of the first week.

Dr. Yates recommends sleeping and resting with the head in an elevated position post-op for the first two weeks. This means using a couple of pillows under your head even if you are in bed for a couple of hours of rest or during the night.

Some patients can experience a certain level of discomfort and pain after the brow lift surgery. Taking analgesic medication will help alleviate the discomfort and pain.

You will have an incision in your hair line. The staples come out at 7-10 days, 6 weeks before returning to the gym.

When can I see the results after brow lift surgery?

The first results of the brow lift surgery become noticeable after about two to four weeks post-operatively. However, patients need to give it a few more months for the final results of the procedure to occur. Usually, we consider the results of the brow lift final after about six months.

The brow lift surgery offers long-term results. This means that the brow lift results can only be affected in time by the natural aging process.

What other procedures can be combined with a brow lift?

Brow Lift Surgery FAQs

How Long Does A Brow Lift Last?

Like it is the case with any other surgical intervention, the results of the brow lift are not permanent. The natural aging process and other factors such as lifestyle choices, sun exposure, etc., can affect the results in time. However, you can expect to enjoy the results of your brow lift surgery for up to ten years or more. The results achieved with the intervention are long-lasting and can help you look younger for longer, especially if you follow the plastic surgeon's recommendations for post-op care.

Is Brow Lift Surgery Permanent?

The brow lift surgery can lift the upper third of your face and give you a more vibrant, energetic, youthful look. After the surgery, you will have fewer wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, the eyebrows are in a beautiful position, and the forehead looks smoother and firmer. The results of the procedure are fully visible within the first two months after the surgery when the swelling and bruising subside completely. While the results are long-lasting, and you can enjoy them for up to ten years or more, they are not permanent. Over time, you might get wrinkles and fine lines again. However, the good news is that the chances are that you will look younger for much longer compared to people who didn’t get a brow lift surgery.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Face Lift Surgery?

After the facelift surgery, the patient can go home within hours. Upon the return home, it is natural to experience a certain level of discomfort at the level of the treated areas. A tight sensation is common, as well as swelling and bruising. Patients are advised to take the medication prescribed by the plastic surgeon and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least two to three weeks to get the best possible results and to have a smooth and short recovery. Most patients can resume all their regular activities in the first week and can get back to work after the second week or as soon as they feel comfortable. Complete recovery can take up to two months, and during this time, patients are advised to avoid strenuous physical activities.

What Are Some Possible Side Effects After Brow Lift Surgery?

There are some potential risks and complications associated with a brow lift surgery. Common side effects are bruising and swelling – these subside on their own, without additional treatment in the first couple of weeks post-op. However, more severe complications are infection, unsightly scarring, temporary or permanent changes in sensitivity at the level of the area operated, and even brow asymmetry. To avoid unwanted complications, make sure to choose an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon with plenty of experience performing face procedures.

What Happens With An Upper Facelift?

The upper facelift procedure is also known as a brow lift or forehead lift, and, as the name suggests, it targets the area between the corners of the eyes and the hairline on the forehead. An upper facelift aims to restore the youthful aspect of your eyes by elevating the brows and lifting the saggy skin on the forehead. Fine lines and wrinkles become smoother, and the patient can look years younger. The procedure is suitable for patients with signs of aging at the level of the upper third of the face.

What Precautions to Take After Upper Facelift?

After the upper facelift, patients are advised to rest for at least a few days. For the first few days post-op, you should use ice packs to reduce the inflammation in the area treated. Don’t smoke or drink alcohol, and avoid caffeinated beverages that could cause dehydration and any physically demanding activities. The recommendation is to sleep with the head in an elevated position – use a couple of pillows under your back and neck to keep your head in a proper position. Avoid any potential blows or bumps at the level of the face while you are in recovery, and don’t bend your head. Lifting heavy objects is to be avoided for about 6 to 8 weeks post-op.

What Is it Like to Get An Upper Facelift?

For patients dealing with fine lines and wrinkles at the level of the eyes and forehead and saggy brows that give them a tired look all the time, the upper facelift procedure might be a solution for a rejuvenated aspect of the face. When getting an upper facelift, the plastic surgeon will address the area above the corners of the eyes. The incisions are often well-hidden in the hairline, and the procedure doesn’t usually take longer than an hour to perform. First, the patient gets anesthesia. When the area is numb, the plastic surgeon will make small incisions and use them to pull the skin up. The excess skin is excised, and the incisions are sutured. Compressive bandages and even silicone strips can be used on the incisions to promote healing.

Brow Lift
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