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Fresh Answers to Your Plastic Surgery Questions Served 2x per Week
How long results last after a breast reduction
Breast reduction surgery is another commonly performed procedure that aims to minimize the volume of the breasts to improve the patient’s quality of life. Overly large breasts can be a real problem in some cases.
Liposuction - is it worth it?
Lipo is among the most frequently performed plastic surgery interventions worldwide. And for a good reason. It is a minimally invasive intervention that can deliver spectacular results.
What to do after Botox injections
Botox injections are among the most requested plastic surgery procedures performed for anti-aging or rejuvenating purposes. Initially, Botox injections were only accessible to celebrities, but nowadays they are an affordable and simple to get treatment for people with different socio-economic backgrounds. If you want to look your best for longer, if you have wrinkles at the level of the contour of the eyes, forehead or other areas of the body, you might benefit from Botox injections.
Tummy Tuck Recovery Dos and Don’ts
The tummy tuck surgery is one of the most complex interventions that can remodel the shape of your midline on many levels. The procedure addresses the condition of the abdominal muscles and also skin sagginess at the level of the tummy. There are certain recommendations to be followed to the letter after the tummy tuck surgery is performed to ensure getting the best results possible and avoiding potential complications.
How long to wait before having sex after breast augmentation
Most patients undergo breast augmentation surgery to look more attractive. Often, just undergoing the procedure, and their libido is increased. They look and feel better, and they want to share it with their partner. But is it safe to have sex soon after the breast augmentation surgery?
How to get rid of love handles and belly fat
A beautifully sculpted abdominal area is a dream for many of us. A dream not so easy to achieve with diets and exercises for some of us, especially when we are not in our 20s anymore. One or multiple pregnancies, weight gain, and even the natural aging process can have a significant impact on our looks.
Everything You Wanted to Know about Injectables
Who wouldn’t want to look again like in their 20s? With a firm, fresh complexion and no traces of wrinkles? No fine lines around the eyes and mouth, no wrinkles on the forehead? Well, with the injectables, we can stop time for a little while.
Top 5 Benefits of the Brow Lift surgery
The brow lift is one of the plastic surgical procedures that can considerably improve the aspect of the patient’s face. While it is not essentially an anti-aging procedure, it can literally erase years from your face.
Breast Implants – Before and After Pregnancy
Many of the patients interested in undergoing the breast augmentation procedure to enhance the aspect of their breasts have questions about the potential effects of the breast implants in case a new pregnancy occurs. Is it better to get the implants before or after the pregnancy? How will breasts with implants change after the pregnancy? These are just a few of their concerns.
Liposuction - Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you wanted to know about liposuction - frequently asked questions about a very popular plastic surgery procedure.
Tummy Tuck Surgery Scars
The tummy tuck intervention is among the most complex procedures performed nowadays, and it leaves behind scars, just like any other surgery. Depending on the specifics of each case and the physiological characteristics of the patient, the scars are more or less visible. Let's see together what you can expect in terms of scars after the tummy tuck surgery.
Breast lift surgery – with or without Breast Implants?
Breast ptosis is a condition defined by the unnatural position of the breasts on the chest wall. In other words, when some or most of the volume of the breasts is under the level of the mammary fold, you might be suffering from breast ptosis. Saggy breasts are easily noticeable as they hang lower on the chest wall and the upper pole of the breast usually lacks volume. Fortunately, we have options to correct saggy breasts today – the procedure is called breast lift. Breast lift surgery can be performed with breast implants or without them – what should you choose?
5 Myths about Botox
Botulinum Toxin is considered the “miracle poison” and used for cosmetic and medical purposes for over two decades now. Botox injections are not a new treatment; they are actually one of the most popular anti-aging solutions for people trying to keep a youthful appearance despite the passing of time. More than this, Botox injections are FDA approved, so safe for the patient when performed by a talented, experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.
Never Do this Before Your Plastic Surgery Intervention
Once you decided on plastic surgery to enhance the aspect of your body or face, you should know that the success of the intervention is not entirely in the hands of the plastic surgeon playing out the procedure. What you do to prepare for the intervention, as well as your attitude and actions during the recovery period can have a significant impact on the results you achieve and even on the healing process.
Which is Best - Eyelid Surgery or Facelift?
The facelift procedure can be performed in association with other procedures, including eyelift surgery. However, the interventions are very different in terms of the surgical approach, the results they deliver, and the areas targeted.
How to Get Rid of Neck Fat and Sculpt Your Jawline
Liposuction on the neck and chin is frequently performed nowadays to help patients get rid of unwanted fat deposits in these areas. Neck lipo is the only efficient method to get rid of neck fat that was resistant to diets and exercises.
A Guide to Breast Augmentation Recovery
The recovery period after surgical intervention is different from patient to patient. Several factors can influence the duration of the healing process such as the placement of the breast implants, patient’s age, health and emotional condition and others.
How to Get Rid of Loose Upper Arm Skin
Brachioplasty is the plastic surgery procedure recommended for people who are dealing with loose and saggy upper arm skin. The excess of the skin can occur with the natural aging process. Still, the surgery is mostly indicated for people who had bariatric surgery or lost a significant amount of weight following a diet or program.
How Much Does A Lifestyle Lift Cost? Comparing The Procedure With Facelift
Investing your hard-earned money in a procedure that can be practiced by non-plastic surgeons is a risky step. Lifestyle lift is a patented surgical procedure that can be practiced by anyone who has received training for it. However, you should know that the lifestyle lift procedure has received some pretty negative reviews.
Don’t Live with Deflated Breasts after Breastfeeding
The beautiful bond between a mother and her baby is irreplaceable. Experts say that breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for your baby and its only survival source for the baby. But no matter how much you love your child, a part of you will wonder what will happen to breasts after breastfeeding.