YIPS 2021

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Plastic Surgery During Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought unimaginable challenges for millions of people across the globe. However, despite that, the demand for post-quarantine plastic surgeries continues to increase across the world

According to a survey conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 64% of surgeons have witnessed an increase in virtual consultations since Covid-19 lockdowns began. 

In this article, we will discuss why you should consider getting cosmetic surgery during Covid-19 lockdowns and how you can get your favorite procedure done by the best cosmetic plastic surgeon in Fort Lauderdale.

Why Have Plastic Surgery Appointments Increased Since Covid-19 Pandemic?

From breast augmentation surgery to face and neck lifts, plastic surgeons are witnessing a rise in demand. Even as the country faces lockdowns and social restrictions, people are increasingly visiting experienced plastic surgeons to set up transformative procedures. For many, the sudden surge in plastic surgery seems strange, but there are plenty of reasons behind this demand.

Since the outbreak started, most people have been cooped up in their homes, waiting for the lockdown to end. People spend a significant time staring at themselves in Zoom meetings or in front of mirrors, noticing things they want to change in their physical outlook.

With additional time on their hands, patients take the time to address their concerns, focus on things they can improve, and add modifications to their cosmetic wish list. As a result, more and more people are going to plastic surgeons to customize their post-quarantine makeover. 

However, the demand for cosmetic makeovers isn’t limited to invasive procedures. Patients report excessive acne around their mouth and jaw after wearing masks, which they fondly refer to as “maskne.” Because of this, many residents in Fort Lauderdale are requesting non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedures like Botox and dermal fillers to reduce their maskne.  

Why Now Is a Good Time to Get Cosmetic Procedures Done?

The opportunity to recover at home encourages many people to pursue plastic surgery during COVID-19. Patients must go through an entire recovery process after having cosmetic procedures. 

Under strict lockdown restrictions, most people spend their time working where they live. So, they don’t have to tell anyone about your cosmetic procedure. Covid-19 quarantine helps them recuperate privately and come out with a transformative look. As long as you undergo a procedure below the neck, you can easily attend your daily Zoom meetings.

Likewise, people who want a facelift procedure can wear a mandatory face mask to hide bruising and swelling when they go out in public. Patients don’t need to worry about rushing to their job and can heal at their own pace. Regardless of which procedure you go for, resting during social restrictions is the best way to recover completely. 

Unsurprisingly, many people are using quarantine as an opportunity to fulfill their cosmetic wish list. Since mid-March, thousands of Americans were waiting for the quarantine to end and get lifts, Botox, liposuction, mommy makeover, boob jobs, and other cosmetic procedures done. Now, as the country is slowly reopening, they are booking for appointments and try out their favorite procedures.

What Are the Most Popular Post-Quarantine Plastic Procedures in Fort Lauderdale?

People are lining up for post-quarantine plastic procedures. Before going through cosmetic procedures, you discuss your situation with an expert. To help you find the ideal procedure for yourself, we have listed down the most popular cosmetic procedures in Fort Lauderdale


Botox is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures requested post-quarantine. Unlike other procedures, it doesn’t stay permanently with you and helps you maintain a beautiful and youthful appearance. 

Mostly, Botox treatment in Fort Lauderdale takes only 10 minutes to complete and you can enjoy a wrinkle-free appearance for 3 to 4 months, depending on your age. However, the procedure can take one week to fully take effect. Dr. Yates recommends scheduling an appointment 2 weeks before if you have a special occasion coming.

You can get the following benefits from Botox treatment from the hands of an expert like Dr. Yates:

  • Plump thin lips 

  • Enhance shallow contours

  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles

  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars 

Tummy Tuck

COVID-19 has restricted people at home, causing many people to gain a lockdown belly. According to a survey by WebMD, people have gained 8 pounds of weight on average during the quarantine. 

For many people, reducing their tummy isn’t possible, no matter how much they diet or work out. In addition, quarantine has pushed people into stress eating habits, making them gobble down snacks as they work. Unsurprisingly, many people are seeking “Abdominoplasty”, commonly known as a tummy tuck. 

This procedure can remove stubborn fat deposits from your body. At the same time, you can reduce bulges and remove stretch marks and excess skin to make your abdomen fit. Don’t wait to get an appointment for a tummy tuck in Fort Lauderdale.


For many people, the routine during lockdown has messed up their sleeping schedule. Working late has led people to develop dark circles and fat deposits around the eyes. An eyelid lift (Blepharoplasty) is a procedure that can help you remove excess skin and fat to give your eyes a fresh and youthful appearance.

If you have sagging, drooping or baggy eyelids in either lower, upper, both lids, then you should consider Dr. Essie Yates’s Blepharoplasty in Fort Lauderdale. You can easily hide your incisions in your natural eyelid creases and with time, they will become barely visible as they fade away.

Breast Augmentation

People are spending too much time overanalyzing their bodies during COVID-19; this explains why thousands of women are requesting breast augmentation in the US. Women dissatisfied with the appearance or size of their chest can contact Dr. Yate’s Office to schedule a breast augmentation appointment. 

Choose a Trusted, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Now with everything reopening and COVID-19 cases steadily decreasing, it’s time to go for your desired makeover and schedule your post-quarantine plastic surgery with Dr. Yates. Dr. Essie Yates is a renowned female plastic surgeon in Fort Lauderdale and offers a wide variety of cosmetic services to help you look the way you want to.