YIPS 2021

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Breast Lift or Augmentation? Which is better for you?

What factors should you consider when making a decision between a breast lift versus breast augmentation?

Many times patients opt for both procedures because a breast lift (mastopexy) lifts your breasts into an optimal position on the chest, and repositions the nipple-areola complex to a more youthful placement, while augmentation (augmentation mammaplasty) is related to increasing the size and volume of the breast itself. A combined breast lift and augmentation is also called a breast lift with implants. Which procedure you choose depends on the cosmetic “problem” that you want to solve. If you have a good amount of breast tissue, but they are mispositioned, meaning that your breasts are sagging and/or your nipples are not youthfully positioned at the center of the breast, then a breast lift might be the right procedure for you. On the other hand, breast augmentation does not address sagging or mispositioned nipples. While breast implants are not natural breast tissue, implants replace volume and affect the size of the breasts in the same way that your autologous (natural) breast tissue does. To know whether you’re a good candidate for a breast lift, breast augmentation, or a combined breast lift and augmentation procedure, consider the following factors.

Good candidates for a breast lift procedure have:

1.     Sagging breasts

2.     Excess skin

3.     Stretched out nipple-areola complex

Good candidates for a breast augmentation procedure have:

1.     Small breasts

2.     Sagging breasts

3.     Lack of upper pole fulness

4.     Lack of cleavage

Good candidates for a combined breast lift and augmentation procedure have:

1.     Small breasts

2.     Sagging breasts

3.     Lack of upper pole fulness

4.     Lack of cleavage

5.     Excess skin

6.     Stretched out nipple-areola complex


Which type of breast lift procedure is right for you?

There are 3 common approaches and options that you should consider as a patient: periareolar, vertical breast reduction, and inverted-t incision.

1.     If you have large areolas and minimal breast sagging or drooping, then a periareolar incision approach may be best for you.

2.     If your breasts sagging or drooping is moderate, then a vertical breast reduction incision approach may be best for you. This approach will provide you with the greatest lift.

3.     If your breast sagging or drooping is severe, then the inverted-t incision approach may be best for you. The inverted-t incision is the most common breast lift approach since it provides maximum lift.


Which type of breast augmentation is right for you?

There are 3 key areas and options that you should consider as a patient: incisions and implant placement, size and shape, implant types:

  1. Incision and Placement. There are 3 common incisions used for breast augmentation:

    1. Under the fold of the breast

    2. In/through the armpit

    3. Around the nipple

  2. Size and Shape. This is a very personal choice. The myth about breast augmentation is that bigger is better. This often not the case, especially if you are attempting to create a natural, elegant appearance where your breasts are simply one aspect of your overall figure not the main attraction. Proportionality is much of what beauty is, the distance and size in relation to other aspects of the body. Dr. Yates ensures that your implants are ideally proportional to the rest of your body taking into consideration your waist, hips, and shoulder width.

  3. Implant Types. This again is a very personal choice. There are 2 types of implants, silicone and saline and there are pros and cons to consider for each type of implant.

  • Silicone Implant Pros

    • More natural look and feel versus saline implants

    • Great option for patients with small breasts and not much breast tissue.

  • Silicone Implant Cons

    • More expensive versus saline implants

    • Requires larger incision

  • Saline Implant Pros

    • Great for patients that have a good amount of breast tissue

  • Saline Implant Cons

    • Less natural look and feel versus silicone

    • More visible rippling


Summary: Breast Lift vs Breast Augmentation

In summary, how much breast tissue you have will play an important role in whether you choose a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast augmentation with a breast lift. Remember when considering a breast lift or breast augmentation procedure, there are multiple factors that will determine a) whether you are a good candidate and b) whether your desired outcome is achievable and right for your body. When you decide to seriously consider one of these procedures, be sure to book your consultation with Dr. Essie Yates to review before and after photos of previous breast lifts and breast augmentations, discuss questions and concerns that you may have, and get one step closer to being the best version of you.