YIPS 2021

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Benefits of 3D/ AR Breast Augmentation Imaging

One of the reasons why so many women postpone undergoing plastic surgery to enhance their breasts' size is the fear they won't achieve their desired results. And it's normal to be anxious when you don't know how you will look after the procedure is performed. But this is all in the past as nowadays, we can use 3D/ AR imagining to determine the exact results that will be achieved with the breast augmentation surgery. In other words, you can try on the new breasts before having the procedure done, during the initial consultation with the plastic surgeon.

Here, at The Yates Institute in Fort Lauderdale, Dr. Essie Yates uses the ILLUSIO™ surgery visualization tool to help patients better understand what they can expect after the procedure is performed. 

What is 3D/ AR breast augmentation imaging?

ILLUSIO™ was designed to be the first 3D virtual mirror for patients preparing to undergo plastic surgery procedures. In other words, it takes the guessing (and hoping) out of the equation, and it delivers an image of how the patient will look after the surgery. What used to be a conversation between patient and plastic surgeon is now a visual experience that can completely change perspectives when it comes to plastic surgery.

Augmented reality meets plastic surgery in ILLUSIO™ to enable the patient to understand exactly what the breasts will look like after the intervention. Now there is no need to imagine how things will turn out. There is no need to look at hundreds of pictures of other patients who had the same procedure to get an idea about the potential results you can get. Now you can get a clear image of the body's overall aspect after a breast augmentation surgery.

What happens during a consultation with AR breast imaging?

ILLUSIO™ PRO allows you to see the results in real-time. Very simple to use, the first step is to scan the patient's anatomical characteristics with the help of an iPad Pro. After this, ILLUSIO™ virtual breasts are overlaid on the patient's image. The image can be manipulated to see different breast sizes, roundness, sagginess, lift, and cleavage to help the patient get a better idea of what is to be expected after the surgery is performed.  

Main benefits of 3D/AR breast augmentation imaging

  • Choosing the right type of implants 

One of the most important aspects of breast augmentation surgery is choosing the right type of implants. Before ILLUSIO™, the plastic surgeon would have to perform measurements and then suggest a few types of implants. The patient would be able to see and feel the implants, maybe even try them after putting on a special bra; however, the real look and feel would be completely out of touch. This is the reason why some patients end up with smaller or bigger breasts than they had in mind. 

With ILLUSIO™, the patient can literally put on the breast and see exactly how a certain size or type of implant would fit, what projection is the best, and what shape complements the body's features. 

  • Less time for the consultation and to make a decision to undergo the procedure

Plastic surgery should be a well-considered decision, not something done in a rush. However, when you are able to see the future you (with the new breasts) in a virtual mirror, it is much easier to make decisions. Even the consultation times are considerably reduced when using ILLUSIO™ because it takes out a lot of explanations and replaces it with clear images. 

  • Ensuring realistic expectations after breast augmentation surgery

The breast augmentation imagining takes into consideration both the desires of the patient and the surgical options available. As a result, the patient can understand whether the expectations from the surgery are realistic and what are the limits of the intervention in his particular case. Many patients used to imagine the results they can achieve with the breast augmentation based on what they saw on other patients. But this often creates a false expectation. Using a 350 ccs implant for a patient with a wide chest and athletic frame is very different from using the same size of an implant on someone with a petite body type. The same procedure performed by the plastic surgeon on two different patients can deliver significantly different results. And this is where the 3D breast augmentation imaging comes in to help – the patient can see his own body transforming with the addition of breast implants. 

  • Patients are more satisfied with the results of the intervention

As the 3D breast augmentation visualization takes the guesswork out of the decision-making process, patients are more pleased with the results they achieved after the surgery. In other words, it considerably reduces the chances of needing another intervention to change the breast implant size. The quality of the interaction with the plastic surgeon is also increased, and the patient can benefit more from the surgeon's experience. 

With ILLUSIO™, you can try on different breast implant options until you are happy with the results. Then you can undergo the procedure knowing exactly what you'll see in the mirror when the recovery period is over. Choosing the perfect size and shape of the breasts is easy when using a 3D breast implant imagining. Find out all the details and try on your new breasts during the consultation with Dr. Essie Yates, in Fort Lauderdale.